Safe lifestyle change and system that transformed my body after I had my second baby, even while breastfeeding.
If you just had a baby and are struggling to get rid of the extra baby weight even while breastfeeding, but you're afraid of starting a "diet" because you're afraid it will affect your milk supply or even your baby, continue reading!
I am going to share my personal experience of how I lost over 40 pounds in less than 4 months, safely and while breastfeeding my baby girl. And, I had a lot of milk! Actually, I exclusively breastfed my daughter for over a year, and once she started on solids, she continued breastfeeding until she was 3 and a half years old! I had so much milk, and I am not one of those lucky mums that makes a lot of milk by default. In fact, I struggled with my first born, who I only breastfed for 7 months.
When my firstborn child was born, losing the extra baby weight was actually easy. Somehow, returning to my usual diet pre-pregnancy was enough. Only 6 weeks after my son was born, I was back to my usual self. He was born through the birth canal.
However, when my second child was born, my baby girl, I just couldn't shake of the weight. She was born through an emergency C-Section and also I had gained so much more weight than with my first pregnancy. I was a whooping 211 pounds after her birth... when I usually weighed 135 pounds. Even my pajamas wouldn't fit. My mum had to go buy XL clothes from Walmart so I could wear clothes after she was born! I was perplexed. Maybe I was so swollen from the IV fluids? Maybe I overdid it the last two months eating because I finally was able to eat without getting sick? Whatever it was, my body had changed, and I tried for a couple of months to lose the extra postpartum weight with no success. I was also breastfeeding, very successfully this time, so I was scared of starting any strict diet. I just went back to my old diet like I had done when my son was born, but it wasn't working. The inflammation did subside a bit but I wasn't really losing any weight.
Then I remembered that my OBGYN was announcing some products on her facebook page about a healthy way to eat. I called her and told her my concerns. She came over to my house and showed me what it was all about, and even as a doctor, recommended I try them. She assured me it was safe to use while breastfeeding and gave me some tips. So, I signed up.
The beginning of my Yoli Journey
The products and healthy lifestyle system she presented is Yoli Better Body System. Yoli means life, and the company is focused on protecting the true nature of life within their natural products, made in the US. They are exclusively formulated, sustainably sourced, ethically harvested, and gently extracted to preserve the true essence of the nutrients. Yoli offers a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off. It is NOT a diet. It is a nutrition system.
The systems begins with a T-Kit (Transformation Kit), that is available also in vegan version. It consists of YES - a protein shake, PASSION - for natural energy, Alkalete for healthy body pH, PURE to improve gut health, and RESOLVE, to curb hunger. It also comes with an easy to follow food guide. The brand Yoli also offers other products for different goals, like fitness and body building, but for now I will focus on the T-Kit, which is the one I used to lose the extra baby weight.
I was very excited to start the Yoli Better Body System! I started on a Monday, and followed the guide as instructed. I loved every step of the way.
How to Lose the Postpartum Weight - My progress
Within the first two weeks I started seeing results. My body started to feel leaner, my clothes started to fit again, and I had more energy. My baby continued to breastfeed happily and my milk supply wasn't affected. If anything, I think it might have increased because I was drinking more water as instructed, and my OBGYN said it would benefit that I was getting more nutrients. Yoli is nutrient based... they are natural products loaded with nutrients, that restore the original healthy environment in your body. Within the first month, I lost 10 pounds. By the second month, I had lost 20 pounds. I was losing between 5 to 10 pounds each month, in a healthy way. I had more energy, more breastmilk, and my skin looked great. I got used to the lifestyle change quite easily and following the food guide became second nature. By month 5, I was back to my pre-baby weight, my hair was shiny, strong and long, and I looked and felt amazing. And yes, still exclusively breastfeeding, and my daughter looked gorgeous and well fed!
Get a FREE $50 Yoli gift card*
to start your Yoli journey today
So, if you're interested in following my path, and learn How to Lose the Postpartum Weight and start your Yoli Transformation, I have a great offer for you today that is available for a very limited time!
I am giving away for FREE, ten Yoli $50 dollar gift cards.
Yes, for FREE. Just use the following CODE: YOLGCD-US-03
And visit the Yoli store TO REDEEM ONLINE using my link to use the gift card towards your purchase:
Or call 1-800-806-8918 to redeem.
* Restrictions apply. The use of the gift card constitutes acceptance of all the terms and conditions; visit for details. $75 minimum retail purchase with gift card. Valid only in the United States. One gift card per customer, per household. New customers only. S&H and taxes are not included. All sales are final. This gift card cannot be combined with any other Yoli promotions.
Certified Yoli Wellness Coach
I have been using Yoli now for almost 7 years, and have maintained my weight loss and used their products since to achieve my fitness goals! I am an avid runner, and also love to see my muscles grow strong. I wake up every morning and start my day with the natural energy from Yoli PASSION, which gives me the boost to get going every day without the crash you get from coffee or sugar. Just one PASSION in the morning and my body is running like a well oiled engine, my metabolism back to normal, and all these years later I am still enjoying the benefits of this nutrition system. That is why I have become a Certified Yoli Wellness Coach. Please feel free to contact me if you need more information!